Jane Evelyn Atwoodhas five exhibitions currently available for distribution
Sentinelles de l'ombre
This stark exhibit of 88 black-and-white photographs, printed in three different
formats, bears witness to the devastation caused by the continuing presence of landmines in five of the countries most ravaged by those insidious weapons today. Atwood travelled extensively in Cambodia, Mozambique, Kosovo, Angola and Afghanistan to meet and photograph people whose lives were changed forever when they stepped on a mine, often years after the end of the war it was intended for. Portraits of landmine survivors and scenes from their daily lives are interspersed with spectacular panoramas which reveal the wasteland these people must live on and negotiate every day in order to avoid triggering the lethal danger lying beneath its surface. The show may be accompanied by Atwood's book Sentinelles de l'ombre (Editions du Seuil, France; see Books) which includes not only all the photographs in the exhibition, but also some 50 pages of detailed and personal text in which survivors speak about their accidents and their lives, their hopes and fears. The text also offers a rare glimpse into the experience of one woman photographer as she journeyed through some of the harshest lands on earth in order to explore and expose the effect of a most insidious kind of war waste on the lives of these innocent people.
PLEASE CONTACT Susie@JaneEvelynAtwood.com or mpc.info@museephoto.be for information about renting this exhibition:
Too Much Time: Women in Prison
Produced by the Maison de la Villette (Paris) for the Mois de la Photo 1998-99, this groundbreaking show has been touring Europe since its inception. It consists of 125 black-and-white images in five different large-scale formats, representing a decade of work in women's prisons in nine eastern and western European countries as well as the United States-including death row. In addition to these pictures, a collection of art work, poems and souvenirs offered to Atwood by the inmates she photographed, as well as disciplinary reports by prison staff, complete this monumental exhibition on female incarceration. The show may be accompanied by the award-winning book Too Much Time (in English: Phaidon Press) or Trop de Peines (in French: Editions Albin Michel), which documents with text and images the only in-depth photographic study, to date, of women in prison. (See Books.)
Women In Prison
These 58 black-and-white photographs constitute the most important pictures from the series Too Much Time (above). They are, in essence, a smaller version of that show, intended for institutions or spaces not financially or logistically equipped to accommodate it. Women in Prison has been shown in schools, prisons, youth centers, galleries and town halls. Like the larger exhibition, Women in Prison may also be accompanied by the book Too Much Time (in English) or Trop de Peines (in French). (See Books.)
Night Outside: Blind Children
Fifty exquisitely-produced black-and-white prints, matted in small format (15 x 30 inches / 38 x 29.5 centimeters), bear witness to the lives of blind children as they learn and grow in a world of sighted people. This exhibition, like those described above, represents years of work in a range of different countries. Here, Atwood took her camera to schools and summer camps in order to focus her compassionate eye on a realm of social life rarely seen by the sighted. The show may be accompanied by Atwood's book, Extérieur Nuit, published in France in the PhotoPoche series and distributed by Actes-Sud. (See Books.)
Jean-Louis, Living and Dying with AIDS
Forty Cibachrome full-color prints matted in gray (16 x 20 inches / 40 x 50 centimeters) document the last four-and-a-half months of a man living with and dying of AIDS. Jean-Louis, 43 years old, was the first person with AIDS in France at the time-1987-to be photographed so that his story might appear in the press. As he told the photographer, he wanted to inform people of the realities of living with a disease whose scope and devastating effects were largely ignored, and even denied, at the time. Atwood's portraits of Jean-Louis strike a timeless and universal chord in their painterly evocation of the struggle of one courageous and extraordinary man. They stand as a stark reminder, some twenty years later, that AIDS is not only not a thing of the past, but a global scourge for which there remains no cure.
PLEASE CONTACTSusie@JaneEvelynAtwood.com for information on how to rent these exhibitions: