Photographs by Jane Evelyn Atwood are for sale as fine art prints. These images are archival, hand printed on silver gelatin fiber-based paper by Atwood’s personal printer and under the artist’s supervision. Each photo is authenticated by the artist's signature, negative number and date.


Photo exhibitions by Jane Evelyn Atwood, in black and white, or color, are available. AIDS, prostitution, landmines, women in prison, Haiti, and landscapes are only some of the possibilities.


Jane Evelyn Atwood is available for speaking engagements and workshops. She has given presentations at universities, photography schools, art schools, high schools, press groups, women's groups, youth groups and other organizations. She has taught or given seminars at the International Center of Photography, New York, USA, the ETPA school in Toulouse, France, SPEOS, Paris, France and EFTI, Madrid, Spain.

Please direct inquiries about speaking engagements, exhibitions, workshops, teaching positions or assignments to:

Please direct inquiries about print sales to :
France : In Camera,
U.S.A. : L.Parker Stephenson Photographs